In March 2007, the Foundation established the Abraham Lincoln Endowment Fund to maintain a continuing program for obtaining and distributing funds to support the mission of the Foundation.
Individuals or groups can contribute to the Fund at six levels: Bronze Fellow, $250; Silver Fellow, $500; Gold Fellow, $1,000; Bronze Sentinel, $1250; Silver Sentinel, $1500; Gold Sentinel, $2,000. In addition, a special recognition has been established to recognize those whose contributions have reached the $5000 level. This is the Col. Horace Porter Medal and honors Col. Porter who was a Medal of Honor recipient and aide to General U.S. Grant during the Civil War.
The amount can be paid all at once or over a two-year period. Contribution levels are recognized by presentation of a special certificate plus a distinctive medal or plaque. Contributors are known as Abraham Lincoln Fellows or Sentinels.
online contribution payment contribution form (for SUV Members Only) contribution form (for non-SUV members) Sentinel Level contribution form