The Foundation is pleased to recognize those individuals and groups who have contributed to the Fund:

Col. Horace Porter ($5000+)
Charles Engle
Robert J. Wolz
Michael A. Spaulding
Charles Engle
Robert J. Wolz
Michael A. Spaulding
Alfred C. Carty *11
Thomas J. Gaard
Sumner Hunnewell
Henry E. Shaw, Jr.
Mark Day
Tim Graham
John M. Vaughn III
Kevin L. Martin *25
Dennis F. Marr *28
John Eger *39
Thomas Schmitt
Douglas S. Freeman *42
Jim Floyd
Clay Thomas Hoffman *43
Leo F. Kennedy
Ulysses S. Grant Camp #68, Dept. of MO, SUVCW
Department of Missouri, SUVCW
Robert V. Chandler
Robert M. Petrovic
Bradley A. Tilton *3
Gen. George G. Meade Camp #5, Dept. of MD, SUVCW *6
1 st Sgt. Fred R. Jackson Camp #7, Dept. of FL, SUVCW
Walter & Susanna Weart *8
Ronald Kirchgessner *10
Whitehurst Camp #1, Dept. of FL, SUVCW
Robert E. Graves *41
Edward C. Hackney
Department of Ohio, SUVCW
Cher Petrovic
Janice L. Harding *15
Sgt. William Pittenger Camp #21, Dept. of CA/PAC, SUVCW *12
Norman L. Wheeler *17
Bruce Frail *18
Donald D. Palmer, Jr. *19
Larry Solvey *21
John Green
Stephen Hammond
John A. Riggs
John A. Conner *22
David Sosnowski *31
Thomas T. Graham *32
Phil Sheridan Camp #4, Dept. of CA/PAC, SUVCW *33
Douglas K. Fidler *37
J. Kenneth Wilson *38
Bruce C. Laine
Rory V. Matter
Jerome L. Orton *40
David Anderson
Brian Castler
Sherman Camp #93, Dept. of OH, SUVCW
Daniel Sauerwein
Albert El
Davis * Camp, Dept. of PA, SUVCW
Michael A. Paquette
John Stinson, MD *5
Ken L. Freshley *7
Gettysburg Camp #112, Dept. of PA, SUVCW
Kimber D. Smith *9
Alan O. Petit
Michael E. Farrell *14
Jeffrey Albanese *15
Robert D. Hammack *24
Brian C. Pierson *29
Matthew Heffron
Shawn A. Cox *30
Steven Nash
David H. McReynolds
Stephen J. Twining
Richard C. Davis
Dale Crandell
Kevin Walsh
Joseph Bouley
Edward J. Krieser
James R. Hanby, SR.
Department of CA/Pacific, SUVCW *12
James H. Houston *35
Andrew M. Johnson
Charles D. Custer
J. Alan Teller
Department of Florida, SUVCW
Robert H. Roser, Jr. *1
Department of Pennsylvania, SUVCW
D. Brad Schall *36
Department of Maryland, SUVCW
James T. Crane
Robert H. Knight *13
David D. Porter Camp #116, Dept. of IN, SUVCW
James A. Garfield Camp #142, Dept. of OH, SUVCW
Stephen E. Hackett
Department of Kansas, SUVCW *26
Department of Kansas, LGAR *27
Robert May
William Leonard *34
Martin Aubuchon
Donald W. Shaw
Ronald Hyer
Paul D. Schenck *44
In memory of:
*1 Pvt. Franklin Hutchins, Co. D, 13 th NY Cavalry
*2 Pvt. Richard Lown, Co. F, 150 th NY Infantry (GAR member)
*3 Cpl. Thomas P. Tilton, Co. F, 97 th OH Infantry
*4Sgt. Thomas C. Crane, Co. K, 14 th MI Infantry
*5 Edmond Stinson, US Navy
*6 Louis Smith, founding commander, Meade Camp #5
*7 James H. Maloney, Co. I, 82 nd PVI
*8 Lt. James Manning Weart, Co. H,21 st NJ Infantry & Pvt. Thomas F. Allen, 1 st MD Light Artillery
*9 2 nd Lt. Jacob E. Fertig, Co. H, 17 th PA Cavalry & Cpl. George M. Kline, Co. D, 48 th PVI
*10 Charles Winne & Alfred Kirchgessner
*11 Pvt. Samuel Carty, Co. F, 174 th PA Infantry & Pvt. Leonard Sigafoos, Co. F, 119 th PA Infantry
*12 Bob Lowe, PDC, Department of CA/Pacific, SUVCW
*13 Cpl. Charles H. Knight, Co. I, 9 th NH Infantry, Medal of Honor (Petersburg, VA)
*14 Sgt. George W. Johnson, Co. I, 48 th NY Infantry
*15 Capt. Robert B. Meads, Co. D, 4 th MD Infantry
*16 Sgt. Charles Dickerson, Co. D, 23 rd MI Infantry
*17 Pvt. William L. Wheeler, Co. A, 6 th CT Infantry
*18 Pvt. Hugh Frail, Co. B, 67 th PA Infantry
*19 Pvt. Sylvester J. Alden, Co. D, 11 th IA Infantry
*20 Pvt. John Sharman, Batt. B, 1 st MO Light Artillery
*21 MG Galusha Pennypacker, Medal of Honor (Ft. Fisher, NC)
*22 Pvt. Daniel Dailey, Co. C, 4 th RI Volunteers
*23 Pvt. Montgomery Shannon, Co. K, 7 th PA Cavalry
*24 1 st Lt. & Adj. Zebedee Hammack, 81 st IL Infantry
*25 Capt. Adam B. Martin, Co. H, 6 th MD Infantry
*26 Dean K. Speaks, PDC, Dept. of KS, SUVCW
*27 Ercelle K. Speaks, PNP, LGAR
*28 Pvt. Robert H. Bailey, Co. F, 3 rd NY Infantry & Co. I, 177 th NY Infantry
*29 Pvt. John Steilen, Co. I, 1 st WI Cavalry & Pvt. Alanson Pierson, Co. C, 84 th NY Infantry
*30 William F. Grim, Co. K, 8 th OH Infantry
*31 Deborah Sosnowski
*32 Sgt. Albert S. Hayne, Cos. I & D, 57 th PA Infantry
*33 Donald Edgar Cheney, PDC
*34 1 st Sgt. Thomas P.S. Leonard, Co. I, 2 nd MD Infantry
*35 Pvt. James H. Houston, Co. D, 15 th PA Cavalry
*36 Sgt. William Braden Schall, Co. B, 11 th IL Cavalry
*37 Pvt. Asa Melvin Scarlet, Co. B, 46 th MA Infantry
*38 Pvt. Coleman A. Wilson, Co. D, 4 th KY Cavalry
*39 Pvt. Fredrick Eger, 11 th IN Light Artillery
*40 Lorraine Orton, PDP & National Historian, Woman’s Relief Corps
*41 Pvt. Crosby J. Graves, Co. C, 121 st NY Volunteer Infantry
*42 Pvt. William Clouson, Co. A, 30 th OH Volunteer Infantry
*43 Sgt. Franklin Xavier Sermersheim, 27th IN Infantry
*44 Uta G. Schenck